Last Week to Sign Up for Early Access to the Excel Forum
Over 150 people have already signed up!
I’m very excited that so many people are interested in the Excel forum and I don’t want you to miss your chance to sign up early!
This is the last week that you can sign up for early access to the forum.
The beta testing will begin on June 28.
The forum itself won’t be publicly available for some number of weeks, so this is your last chance to get access to it in just 7 days.
To learn more about getting early access, and being a beta tester, go to the last blog post: Forum Beta Testing Info and Signup
To sign up for early access (beta testing) directly, go here: Beta Testing Signup
Also, I finished the Help page and that covers a lot of particulars related to how the forum works. You don’t need to read it, the forum should be pretty easy to use anyway, but it’s up now if you’re interested.
Have a great week!