Update and Discussion #5

Hi there!

It’s me Don again, and I’ve got some good news, the forum is alllllllmost finished.

Currently, here are the main features that have been completed:

  • Allowing Excel file uploads.
  • Tagging posts.
  • Commenting on/discussing questions and answers.
  • Voting on questions and answers.
  • Selecting an answer to your question.
  • Searching the forum and adding filters for keywords/tags and if the question was answered or not, as well as ordering the results by date or how many votes the question has.
  • Viewing all posts that have certain tags.
  • Calculating reputation points based on how many votes your questions and answers have gotten.

Here is a list of some features that still need to be finished:

  • Allowing the you to save tag/search settings in a custom list so that you can easily get back to that view in order to see only the questions that you want to see.
  • Instituting reputation checks for certain features. This means that a user will not be able to vote or include links in a post until they have gained enough reputation. All other features should be available to a user the moment they sign-up for the forum.

I won’t bore you with the small details that still need to be put in place since those are all behind the scenes things.

We are slowly getting there… 🙂  I am very excited about how everything has turned-out so far and your input has been a great help!!!

We are almost there so please stick with me a  little longer!

As always, leave your thoughts, tips, and suggestions, in the comments below!


7 Responses

  1. Jon says:

    Well done Don.
    I’m really looking forward to your forum and have no doubt that it will be awesome and well worth the wait.
    Keep up the good work and thanks for all the fantastic tips and tutorials.

  2. Angus Wolfendale says:

    Great work Don – really appreciate what you are doing for us Excel users. Looking forward to using the forum in the near future.

  3. Nancy says:

    Great work Don!! I am looking forward to using the forum. I have had MUCH success with all of your many tips and I am sure that the forum will be the same!

  4. Jon says:

    Once again your tutorials came in handy today. So looking forward to this forum. Thank you very much – keep up the good work Don.

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